一: Wes McKinney: https://github.com/wesm
个人介绍:Director of https://ursalabs.org/. Creator of Python pandas. Maker of tools to make data analysis faster and easier. Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet
二 :Andreas Mueller :https://github.com/amueller
个人介绍 :Scikit-learn core-developer, Research Scientist at the Columbia Data Science Institute.
三 :Prakhar Srivastav :https://github.com/prakhar1989
四 : Hilary Mason : https://github.com/hmason
五 :Randy Olson :https://github.com/rhiever(很多归纳好的机器学习项目)
个人介绍:Lead Data Scientist, @LifeEGX. AI, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization specialist. Community leader for /r/DataIsBeautiful.
六:Sebastian Raschka :https://github.com/rasbt("Python Machine Learning”作者)
个人介绍:Machine Learning researcher & open source contributor. Author of ‘Python Machine Learning’. Assistant Professor of Statistics.
七: Michael Nielsen : https://github.com/mnielsen (详细的神经网络和深度学习知识库)
个人介绍:Searching for the numinous at YC Research.
八:Sun Junyi : https://github.com/fxsjy (结巴中文分词)